People. Research. Kaupapa.
Our work focuses on providing research and supporting development that enhances who we are and how we want to live as Māori – protecting and nurturing our taonga (treasures) in order to support intergenerational well-being for Aotearoa. Our work seeks to be transformative for our communities, who we believe, will always lead the most meaningful change.
The Pūrangakura logo depicts woven strands that represents our collective and collaborative approach as a multi-discplinary team. Pūrangakura honours our partnerships with our whānau, hapū, iwi, marae and communities, and acknowledges the diversity of lived experiences, skills, knowledge and expertise. Kaupapa Māori is the commonality that brings all things together –
our commitment to value and add-value to our cultural worlds, to bring positive and innovative solutions with, and for, our people.

Our Logo

We are grounded as tangata whenua
Pū brings us back to our origins, our whenua, our waterways, our whakapapa and our mātauranga. It reminds us of our purpose and recentres us as Māori.

We weave together people, research and kaupapa
Ranga connects ‘old’ ways of knowing and doing with ‘new’ ways of being, to support vibrant whānau, hapū, iwi, marae and communites. It guides the work of our kaupapa Māori research.

We nurture growth and transformation
Kura keeps us focused on our taonga. It illuminates the treasures we hold, we pursue and will reclaim. It calls for radical transformation for the future, for our whenua, te taiao and our mokopuna.