Marae ki te Kāinga Affidavits & Extension Marae ki te Kāinga Affidavits & Extension focuses on the way whānau on the Manaaki Tangata programme at Te Puea Memorial Marae are achieving sustainable tenancies and building towards home ownership, forging community connections, and the impact that this is having on whānau wellbeing. Marae-led housing initiatives

About this project

In collaboration with Te Puea Memorial Marae, led by Dr Jenny Lee-Morgan, Marae ki te Kāinga Affidavits is an extension of the Urban Intergenerational Kāinga Innovations (UIKI) project and features the recent research and work undertaken in the Manaaki Tangata programme. Funded by Building Better Homes, Towns and Cities (BBHTC) there are two parts to this programme of work:

Part 1 brings together the recent research and work undertaken in the Manaaki Tangata programme to produce a new edition to the published books ‘Ahakoa te aha, mahingia te mahi: In service to homeless whānau in Tāmaki Makaurau’ and ‘Turanga ki te marae, e tau ana: Reimagining marae-based kāinga in Tamaki Makaurau’.

Part 2 involves the collation and editing of the affidavits of Te Puea Memorial Marae witnesses, and others, for the Wai 2750 Claim. This will involve careful editing of this rich material contained within these affidavits and making these stories accessible.

Key Insights

Coming soon

…rangatahi are responding to the challenges with creative and innovative approaches to transform the lives of their peers, whānau, hapū, iwi and communities.

Pictured left:
Tumanako-Way signpost

Our Research Team

This large multidisciplinary research team is led by Dr Jenny Lee-Morga, alongside key members of Pūrangakura and marae-based researchers including:

We are pleased to collaborate with Te Puea Memorial Marae-based researcher:

Key Partners
