Urban Marae Responses to COVID19: Creative Pikitia Series An extension to the Marae Ora, Kāinga Ora project, this Pikitia Series captures the lived-experience and resilient responses of marae in South Auckland during the COVID-19 lockdown period. Capturing the resilient responses of marae

About this project

Funded by the Universityof Auckland and the National Science Challenge – Resilience to Nature’s Challenges this project is lead by Dr Jenny Lee-Morgan. This Pikitia Series illustrates the unique experiences that emerged for each marae while supporting the resilience of their communities during COVID-19 lockdown and the subsequent restriction levels. Captured as creative digital posters, co-created with the nominated marae-based researchers and graphically designed by young Māori emerging artist Rihana Te Nana-Hoskins.

An exhibition of the Pikitia Series will be held at the Māngere Arts Centre,Tāmaki Makaurau during Matariki (29 th June – 14 th July 2023) and at the Marae Ora, Kāinga Ora Symposium to be held 25 th May 2023 at Makaurau Marae, Ihumaatao.

Key Insights

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…rangatahi are responding to the challenges with creative and innovative approaches to transform the lives of their peers, whānau, hapū, iwi and communities.